Donation options from the United Kingdom

Donations from the United Kingdom


If you would like to make a donation to The Parktonian Foundation choose one of the options below or contact

The Foundation Office raises funds for a variety of projects on campus, and for the provision of financial support in the form of bursaries and scholarships. General gifts can also be made which will be allocated to a project at the discretion of the Headmaster.

Donate by debit order


Please download the form to your computer first. Then you can fill in the form and simply click “Submit” to have it emailed to


Donate via PayPal


Make a secure once-off or recurring donation online with PayPal securely on your Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card:

Donate by electronic funds transfer


If you would like to make a donation to The Parktonian Foundation using direct payment to our bank account, please use the following banking details.  Please send the proof of payment to for our records.

Lloyds Bank
Account Name: The Parktonian Foundation UK
Account Number: 65627368
Sort Code: 30-92-93

If needed:
IBAN: GB50 LOYD 3092 9365 6273 68

Alternatively contact Karen at the Foundation Office who will assist you in making your donation.

United Kingdom

Gift Aid

The Parktonian Foundation UK is a registered charitable organization in the United Kingdom and all charitable donations, if the criteria are met, are eligible for Gift Aid to the extent permitted by law

The Parktonian Foundation UK
The Reg. Charity number is 1171946
The charity is registered at:
98 Cambridge Road
TW11 8DJ

Bank details:
Account number:  65627368
Sort Code:  30-92-93

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